Saturday, April 30, 2016


Judith Lansky
Owner, Founder, President, Career Coach

What inspired you to start your own business; Lansky Career Consultants? 

Judith actually started out as a client herself. She had one point in her life needed support with changing careers and sought support from a career counselor. Then at Colombia College, she was asked to begin a Placement Office. After investing time and effort into this project, she realized she could go into business for herself in this industry as she had already learned all the entrepreneurial skills she needed. 

What is some advice you can would give someone who is thinking of changing careers? 

Judith advises everyone to work hard no matter which stage of their career they are in. The effort you make to learn new things will get you through any challenge that come your way. Secondly, it is important to find a way to market yourself. This could be in the form of having a detailed and professional LinkedIn and FaceBook profiles. It is important to also keep the profile updated so that it reflects your more valued skills and qualifications. 

Earlier in your career, did you come across any difficulties in the workplace because you are a woman? 

Judith was a marketing consultant earlier in her career, which was a role women did not traditionally find themselves in. At the agency, she was one out of four women. At times it became difficult for her 

to understand if the way the men in the workplace were treating her was due to “gender based” stereotypes or “me” based reactions. In other words, Judith would attempt to understand whether or not the reaction was because of sexism or a direct result of some action she took. Judith also noted that there were some uncomfortable situations that she found herself in which were markedly due to brash behavior from men. However, times have changed for the better for women; women now outnumber men in marketing. Workplaces are environments that are more dignified today due to a more inclusive shift in culture along with greater labor laws.

How has your MBA supported you in your career? 

With an undergraduate degree in French literature, Judith taught French and progressed to all but the dissertation of a PhD. However, she later found herself back in school at DePaul getting her MBA. Her education has helped her understand how to run a business and how to assist her clients with marketing themselves. And now, she has decided to give back to DePaul through her participation in the ASK program and as an advocate of DePaul GWB.


Devon Voster
Director, Talent & Engagement 

How did you find yourself in Human Resources?Devon describes that she was drawn to mathematics and psychology throughout her education. She wanted to move into a career that would allow her to combine these two interests. Devon did not see herself in a clinical setting rather a workplace setting where she could apply her analytical skills. In the Organizational Development department of human resources, Devon is able to problem solve using a combination of art and science to help leaders be more effective and improve business performance.

What inspired the transition from assessment consulting to working internally in OD?
Through consulting, Devon learned a lot about various aspects of business and how different businesses operate. However, as a consultant, she specialized in a relatively narrow area within talent management – that is, executive assessment and coaching and wanted to broaden her experience to other areas of talent and OD.  By taking an internal position with McDonald’s, Devon was able to see the reality of how decisions are made within an organization as well as the long-term impact of those decisions.

Having started as a research associate at ACNielsen Bases, how has the business environment changed for women over the last few years?
Within human resources, we find that the profession is predominately female. One trend that Devon noticed is a movement to attract more men to the field. This may no longer be a challenge as we find human resources is becoming more analytical and connected to the business strategy with work such as strategic workforce planning, which likely helps draw men to the field.

What is the biggest obstacle women face in the workplace today and how can they overcome it?
As we know from research, women often underestimate their abilities compared to their male counterparts.  At times, this could prevent a woman from considering a larger role because she may feel that she is not qualified when, in fact, she may be equally or more qualified than others. . In Devon’s opinion, this is a challenge that policy changes alone will not solve.  There is a broader culture shift that must take place, which will take time. This cultural change cannot take place without the support of men in the workforce as well as women. Men need to be a part of the conversation and, along with women, take action to encourage and support women who aspire to take on leadership roles.   

What is the best advice for someone looking to make a change/transition in today's job market?
To pursue a role in human resources, Devon recommends staying open minded in the beginning. She suggests starting in a generalist position. As a generalist, you gain exposure to all aspects of human resources and learn to partner with the business. Once you have had exposure to all aspects of HR, it is easier to choose which one you would like to specialize in should that be the route you would like to take. By specializing, you are able to build on the skills already developed from your time in the generalist role.

In terms of deciding which organization to join, Devon recommends carefully evaluating the way that HR is positioned within the company. For example, how involved is the executive team in people-related decisions and how is HR perceived? What is the relationship between the CEO and the CHRO?  Assessing these factors will help you determine the degree to which HR is viewed as a true strategic business partner versus an administrative support function.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Empathy, Professionalism and Leadership in Hospitality

By Morgan Bailey, Vice President GWB

So you’ve decided to work in the hospitality industry. You’ve watched Grand Budapest Hotel and have decided it looks like so much fun! A job in the hospitality industry is unlike any other in that you have the opportunity to be part of someone’s memory.

Hotels are not just selling comfortable beds and expensive terry; they’re selling interactions with their employees. A guest’s experience is typically over 24 hours so you have the opportunity to make or break their stay in multiple instances.  An experience is intangible so it is imperative that a business hires right from the very beginning.

Of course prior experience is important, but specifically in Hospitality, there are a few qualities that all hotel recruiters deem as vital, which a candidate must possess to be a successful member in the hospitality industry. These three -- empathy, professionalism, and leadership -- are further explained below.

As a hotel employee, it is your duty to blend with the image that the hotel is trying to sell. You need to walk a mile in a guest’s shoes to really understand what they are going through. In most cases, just requires active listening. It’s the small things that guests remember and it’s the small things that make them want to return.

Be a pro at what you do – if you are in housekeeping, make sure your rooms are the best.  Understand the “why.” Spell check your emails, use complete sentences, come to work looking complete.  Again, simple things, but employees and guests will take you seriously when you are professional.  Always have a “poker face,” or receive feedback and take time to process it before reacting. 

Making a truly memorable experience often requires an employee to go outside of the boundaries of their job. A great employee will always go the extra mile to meet or exceed the needs of guests, which in some cases might go as far as overstepping corporate or Hotel policy. Ask yourself, is this appropriate? For example, if a guest needs to check-in for his/her flight and the business-center computer is down, the front desk may decide to break policy and allow the guest into the back office to use that computer. Leadership does not always have to be a huge undertaking--it could be as simple as picking up trash or cigarette butts off of the ground. It may not be that employee’s job, but it contributes to the guest experience. Acts of leadership can take many forms, but are always appreciated.

In the end, it is simple to see and understand how these three traits overlap and form vital components of a hotel employee's personality. It is easy to understand why recruiters place such value leadership, empathy, and professionalism.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

EVENT RECAP: Women Insiders: Hospitality

On Thursday, January 28, an eager group of Kellstadt women (and men) welcomed four stellar industry leaders to share their tips, insights and recommendations for breaking into the industry.

DePaul GWB Board & Women Insiders: Hospitality Panelists
GWB Board Members with Hospitality Panelists:
Vicki Poplin, Director of Sales & Marketing, Chicago Athletic Association
Taylor Crowley, Director of Sales & Marketing, Boka Restaurant Group
Ricci McDonald, Meeting Planner, W.J. Weiser
Marisa Sweeney, Human Resources Manager, Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park 
The kick-off event to our Winter Panel Series: Women Insiders was focused on the hospitality industry. {click here for a full list of upcoming panel events

Attendees were exposed to the hospitality industry through a diverse group of speakers, from experience leaders in hotels, restaurants and corporate with roles in Sales, Marketing, Meeting Planning and HR. With a whole range of perspectives, there was a pearl of wisdom for everyone, regardless of background. Here what these empowering ladies had to say about the industry, being a woman in the working world, and how to get ahead. 

What challenges to do you face day to day and how do you overcome those challenges? 

Taylor Crowley, Director of Sales & Marketing, Boka Restaurant Group: The hospitality industry is fast-paced. You will never be bored. With that comes a wide range of temperaments in guests and co-workers. My advice is to be nice. You can never underestimate how far that can take you. 

Ricci McDonald, Meeting Planner, W.J. Weiser, There's no down time in Meeting Planning. What's more, we are a "grind generation." We just go and go and go. It's important to remember work-life balance, and also to make sure, as managers, that you model healthy work-life balance so others can follow your lead.

What characteristics are you looking for when you hire new talent? 

Marisa Sweeney, Human Resources Manager, Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park: I so agree that hospitality and, specifically, working in a hotel, is a non-stop experience. You're always moving. either literally moving your feet or moving tasks or positions. It's important to have flexibility and be willing to take one whatever is asked of you. That may mean moving to another country, like I did, or it may mean just being willing to meet guests' changing requests. Flexibility is so important. Also, because you are working with the public it's important to be sure to be pleasant and have personality.

Taylor: This is hard, but it's important to know your role. Many hospitality companies hire from within. I was an assistant for five years, and that is fairly common. There's so much to master, so it takes time. But you can get there. Being a go-getter will help. Be flexible and willing to hustle. Be a firefighter in tough situations, meaning be the one that is actually moving in touchy situations, be the calm rescuer.

Ricci: But know yourself. Know what you've worked for. If you're ready to move on and there's no room at your current company, it's okay to be confident in yourself and look elsewhere for your next opportunity.

Vicki Poplin, Director of Sales & Marketing, Chicago Athletic Club: For a sales position, I'm looking for passion. If it's operations, I need someone that is flexible and detail oriented. Most of all, be pleasant. At the Athletic Club, we have a saying, "Make someone's day everyday." We use this internally, it's part of our culture. So when thinking about someone to hire, I may ask you, "When was the last time someone made your day? When was the last time you made someone's day?"

Do you think there are specific challenges that come with being a female in the industry? And if so, how do you overcome those challenges? 

Vicki: The industry is really changing. Twenty years ago I could be in a room full of Sales Directors and I would be the only female. Now, that's not the case, and that's nice. I guess one of the things I hear females in business called, and it's perpetrated as the path to success, is that they are "b*tches." You do not  have to act like that to prove yourself. You can just decide to be really good at your job.

Ricci: This is a female-dominated industry, and because of that females are sometimes worse to other women that men are to women. We should be building each other up. Share your knowledge with other women to help them get to where you are, as well.

Marisa: I've found not necessary gender-ism, but rather I have run up against significant age-ism. People who have been in the HR industry for 20 years and here I am, less than 10 years out of school, and they think I couldn't have any worthwhile ideas. So, be confident in your achievements regardless of age or gender.

What do you love about your job? 

Vicki: Every day is different. You're truly never, never bored. There's always a new challenge or a new project. And you're working with really outstanding people.

Marisa: In HR, you deal with some hard issues, but also you have the opportunity to do so much good. When I help someone by doing something I wouldn't think is a big deal -- faxing a disability form or answering an insurance questions -- but it's such a big deal to them. That makes you feel good.

Ricci: I'm going to be really honest, meeting planning comes with a lot of perks! There's great travel, and when you get there, the hotels and convention centers and restaurants all want to impress you so you bring your clients there, so that's a lot of fun. And I love that this is an job field where you can see the fruits of your labor. You can start a project at conception and see it all the way through to completion on the very last day of the event. That's very satisfying. And it's never boring.

Taylor: You get to give someone an experience. Every day its an opportunity to meet amazing people and help shape the way their day, or their meal, will go... the free food is nice, too.

Interviewing: A View from Both Sides of the Table

By Wajiha Azher, VP of Membership & Administration

Ever notice the direct correlation between a stronger job market and your work colleagues having mysterious car tune-ups or doctor’s appointments? As we begin 2016, market news touts the growth in company salaries and, along with it, more job opportunities. Here's how to prepare. 

This thawing of the job market doesn’t please any group more than those students at the brink of graduation and ready to dive into the world of employment. There are many steps in the job search process, which most of us are painfully aware, that lead up to the final offer call. The most determining factor by far is the in-person interview. This is the step where both the employer and potential employee tactically and strategically “buy and sell” so as to judge professional and cultural fit.

From the potential employee’s perspective, there are many items for an interviewee to prepare for before even arriving at the interview. Appearance is the number one factor; this is not only in terms of how you are dressed but also how prepared you look and act. The interviewer may have already completed a phone screen with you, so they have already made a decision about your strengths and weaknesses compared to other applicants and compared to whom they envision taking the position. There are many sites out there that will allow a glimpse of the organization’s presence in the market and even those that provide a look into the minds of present employees such as Glassdoor. As with any other site on the internet, the researcher must review different perspectives before making a decision. Merely understanding the company and its employees is not enough, the interviewee must have a good understanding of the role for which they are interviewing. Be prepared to answer questions about strengths and weaknesses as compared to a professional who currently holds the position, or better yet, compared to classmates competing for the same position.

When the interviewee does get on site, this is when the true evaluation begins. Appear alert and interested; in other words, no cell phones. A recruiter cannot emphasize enough the importance of not checking cell phones during the interview or as the interviewee is walked to the interview room. Take this case as an example, there is a Human Resources Assistant interviewing a female candidate for a position that would be a great professional move for the candidate. The assistant is clearing not the manager nor anyone who will directly work with the candidate should she be hired. In the middle of a question posed by the HR Assistant, the candidate reaches into her purse which is sitting on the chair next to her (rather than the floor where it should have been), checks the time, and even runs her finger through the lock screen to see if she has received any emails or messages. She lost not only eye contact at that moment, but also the job. On the other hand, checking the phone in the lobby is acceptable or right after being walked out of the interview (and of course, that is after the final handshake). If time is of concern, then create a situation where time is not of concern, for instance, take the whole day off of work for the interview. Bottom line, appear at the interview both in body and mind. With full attention on the interview, the interviewee can focus on employment factors that will support him or her in making the final decision.

An Interviewee's Check-list

Professional Considerations
Personal Considerations
Reporting Structure
Exposure to Upper Management
Future Job Opportunities
Manager's Personality 

Most of these topics can be covered by asking questions or may even be communicated by the interviewer as a way to sell the position. However, for the more subjective topics, read between the lines. How does the manager address her team and what personal examples does she provide? Another way to appear attentive is to take notes during the discussion, and be sure to take mental notes of matters that may be more personal. A successful interview provides multiple data points, which should allow a well-rounded decision.

Across the table, there is a similar situation. Though the interviewer must also appear alert and interested, there are many other eyes in the building that watch and evaluate so there is more attention on the interviewee’s appearance over the interviewers’. However, preparation is important here as well in order to make sure the appropriate items are brought up during the discussion. The potential employer should drive the interview to reveal the interviewee’s strengths and weaknesses which were in question after the phone screen. Outside research is a common practice on this side as well, especially when information is readily available on individuals online. Publicly posted information is public knowledge and does influence the perspective of interviewer about the interviewee before meeting in-person. Furthermore, the interviewer will be assessing how the person is treating others, reacting to the position’s information, and other subtle mannerisms. These subjective indications provide an insight to the person’s fit to the social and personal aspects of the job. There are several other moving parts to the final decision such as other applicants and other interviewer feedback, but the individual’s fit can definitely be determined after the face-to-face discussion.

After examining both sides of the table, the tactical and strategic approach to interviews is almost identical. From the physical observations all the way to comparing the competition, both sides are critically analyzing the future professional opportunities and ability to work well within the social environment. In an interview, both sides have equal power. In most, if not all cases, the interview begins with a partial decision already made by both parties. During the interview the decision begins to solidify, and finally, at the final handshake there is a confirmation. Due to this, the potential employee should make sure appearance is not the reason why he or she is denied the position. It should be acceptable to be denied based on inexperience or mismatch of personality, but not for a reason entirely in your control, such as cell phones usage.The main goal of an interview is not to get a call for a second interview or get the offer call, it is for both sides to agree to best fit. Is the interviewee right for the position? Is the interviewee right for this team? Is this interviewee right for this company? And, equally important, is the position, team and company right for the interviewee? 


Friday, January 1, 2016

Aluma Spotlight January 2016: Sarah (Lund) Clapper

Sarah (Lund) ClapperDePaul's School of Public Service, MS 2014
Operations Manager
Rainbows for All Children

This month we spotlight an alumna from DePaul's School of Public Service, a specialized Masters program for those preparing for a career of service.

How has your DePaul MS degree helped your career? 
When I was applying to the School of Public Service at DePaul, all I knew was that I wanted to help people. I wanted to make a difference somehow. By obtaining a Master of Science in Public Service Management, I was able to learn about all of the many ways I could make a difference in the non-profit and public sectors—from launching an effective grass roots campaign to non-profit financial management. Since obtaining my degree, I quickly learned that working at a small non-profit organization requires you to wear many hats. My education from DePaul’s School of Public Service has allowed me to do just that.

Is there anything specific about your current company/role that you would like to share with the DePaul Graduate community? 
Rainbows for All Children (Rainbows) is dedicated to being the premier source of support for all youth as they navigate grief and heal from loss, whether from death, divorce, deployment, or other trauma. Rainbows fosters awareness that youth require support to heal. We nurture a community of effective Rainbows-trained Facilitators, supported with a repository of resources designed to guide youth in their grieving process.

What is the one thing you wish you would have taken advantage of, but didn’t, or just wish you had done differently while enrolled at DePaul? 

DePaul frequently hosts great panel discussion, workshops and seminars. I wish I would have attended more of them. 
{Note from GWB: Although we in no way solicited this answer, we totally agree! Check out our Women Insiders winter panel series for great networking and industry insights!}

What has been the most difficult business lesson you have learned since graduating? 
Learning to let some projects go. You might be at a small

In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle women face in the workplace today and how can they overcome it? 
Equal pay and opportunity. Women earn less than men do for doing the same job. But when you compare the number of women to the number of men in executive positions, holding board seats, in management positions in the tech industry—it’s staggering; it’s sad.

I don’t think it’s the responsibility of women to overcome inequality in the workplace. It’s everyone’s responsibility. Changing the culture of the workplace requires a collective effort, including from individuals at the top level. Things like re-evaluating your organization’s hiring process to identify and eliminate bias, and expanding your organization’s network and expanding where you recruit from are small steps to creating a more diverse culture. 
non-profit, but the organization has big aspirations for growth. You have your priorities set and detailed calendars, but there will always be something that has to be set aside temporarily because it doesn’t “fit the screen.” You have to remind yourself that “this isn’t a bad thing.” It allows you as an individual, and your organization, to really focus on the projects that fit within your strategic plan, and come back to those other projects later.